Center of the universe. The crucible. A place where the world’s largest granite monolith rises inexorably from a serene meadow, a relic of two worlds colliding in some distant space and time. This is Yosemite Valley—the epicenter of rock climbing. From big walls, to highballs, single pitch splitters to low ball slopers, the Valley has it all.

It’s no wonder why Black Diamond’s heritage is undivided from the threads of Yosemite’s own interwoven narrative, with Yvon Chouinard selling hand-forged pitons in the Valley parking lot—a moment marking the birth of the equipment we continue to innovate and engineer today.

With a Spring collection featuring the first updates to our cornerstone big wall kit in over a decade, and apparel designed specifically for the climbing life—from the portaledge to the Camp 4 boulders—we journeyed back to our roots and took a trip to where it all began.

This is our soul, our team, and our people back in Yosemite testing our brand-new gear on exactly what it was designed for.

 This is our Spring 2023 catalog featuring the best of the best.