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2020 Outdoor Gear Lab Award
Outdoor Gear Lab Top Pick logo
2020 Outdoor Gear Lab Award
Whippet Ski Pole Whippet Ski Pole 1
Whippet Ski Pole Whippet Ski Pole 2
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Award Winner

Whippet Ski Pole



With three-section packability and added traction for steep terrain, the Whippet is perfect for ski mountaineering expeditions and splitboard excursions. The Whippet’s removable steel pick adds a margin of safety for mega-steep, no-fall terrain, while also converting into an easily stowable, adjustable pole, featuring redesigned FlickLock Pro adjustability, which is now lighter, stronger and easier to use.

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Product Details

Built for steep ski or splitboard terrain that requires extra traction, the Whippet is now improved with a removable steel pick. Using our innovative ClickLock Dial, you can attach the pick to add a margin of safety for icy bootpacks and no-fall descents, and then remove it for shredding low-angle powder in the backcountry. With its three-section packability, the Whippet is stowable, making it ideal for splitboarding excursions, while its redesigned FlickLock Pro adjustability is now lighter, stronger and easier to use, with a more durable, forged aluminum construction.

Product Features

  • ClickLock Dial
  • FlickLock® Pro adjustability—now featuring aluminum construction that’s lighter and easier to use
  • Removable steel pick
  • Grip insert for ski mode
  • 3-piece aluminum shaft
  • Indexed ¾ Powder Basket
  • Sold individually

2 Year Warranty

We trust what we make because we use what we make. All Black Diamond products are covered by a two year warranty policy.

Tech Specs

Collapsed Length
Usable Length
Size Range
452g with Pick64 cm (25.2 in)Technical Touring100 - 140 cm100cm-140cm

