![Outdoor Gear Lab Top Pick logo](https://blackdiamond-cms.zaneray.com/cms/images/0a1a109d-f5c1-4705-8626-9432fd05ee94_tp_2020_md+%281%29.png?auto=compress,format&rect=65,69,267,267&w=150&h=150)
Carbon Whippet Ski Pole
Built for steep terrain that demands extra traction, the two-piece Carbon Whippet is the ultimate ski mountaineering tool. With its removable steel pick, the Whippet adds security for steep, icy bootpacks and no-fall descents, and can transition into an adjustable ski pole for backcountry turns.
- Standard delivery within 3 business days
- Free shipping over €100 otherwise €8.95
![Skitourer on the uphil using the Whippet poles](https://blackdiamond-cms.zaneray.com/cms/images/155b70dd-f810-488a-8d4a-7d410c9a5075_Adam+Clark_Derek%26Turner_April_2021_0001.png?auto=compress,format&rect=156,344,1356,1356&w=2048&h=2048)
![A closeup image from the whippet poles](https://blackdiamond-cms.zaneray.com/cms/images/a67fecd3-8e22-4648-9937-0bec08fc088f_111564_0000_CarbonWhippet_GLAM4.png?auto=compress,format&rect=466,343,1356,1356&w=2048&h=2048)
![Flicklock technology](https://blackdiamond-cms.zaneray.com/cms/images/30287947-1eb7-447b-8594-92f48cc47b55_111564_0000_CarbonWhippet_GLAM8.png?auto=compress,format&rect=328,340,1356,1356&w=2048&h=2048)
Product Features
- Sold as single pole
- ClickLock Dial
- FlickLock® Pro adjustability—now featuring aluminum construction that’s lighter and easier to use
- Removable steel pick
- Grip insert for ski mode
- Carbon lower shaft, aluminum upper
- Indexed 3/4 powder basket
Flicklock Pro
The most secure pole-adjustment Forged aluminum construction mechanism available, FlickLock® Pro features a forged aluminum construction and a low-profile design for ultimate clamping force when you need it most.
Whippet Ready
Built for terrain that demands self-arrest capability. With its removable steel pick,the Whippet adds security for steep, icy bootpacks and no-fall descents, and can transition into an adjustable ski pole for moderate backcountry turns.
2 Year Warranty
We trust what we make because we use what we make. All Black Diamond products are covered by a two year warranty policy.